From Fiction to Reality: An AI Leader’s Perspective on AI Evolution

Technology has become an integral part of businesses and our daily lives. From ordering groceries with a simple command to collaborating with colleagues across the globe in real-time, the pace of technological advancements is truly amazing and groundbreaking. Being a technology enthusiast and adopter, I’ve had a front-row seat to witness these developments firsthand.

In fact, embracing technologies and trying to be a pioneer is more like a roller-coaster journey. No one is sure about what works and what doesn’t.

In this blog, I want to dive into the fascinating world of recent technological advancements and share how they’re shaping industries and transforming how we live, work, shop, and play.

Let’s explore them together!


Computer Vision: Adding innovation and productivity to your business


Think about it – computers or smart devices that can actually understand what they’re looking at in pictures, videos, and texts. Whether it’s unlocking your phone or reading and analyzing inventory, Computer Vision helps you learn about the world and unlock a ton of possibilities. 

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence focusing on processing images and videos to extract meaningful information. Computer Vision includes optical character recognition, image recognition, pattern recognition, facial recognition, and object detection and classification. From retail giants to startups, companies are tapping into this image-savvy AI to accelerate their operations and product offerings.


Let me share my personal experience:


During a recent project with a top food retailer, we surpassed their challenges in fruit and vegetable quality control and food waste reduction. The traditional manual inspection methods were not only time-consuming but also prone to errors.

We introduced a cutting-edge computer vision model that utilized advanced video analysis techniques, including Fourier Transformation and Gaussian Blur, to automate the inspection process. The technology proved transformative.


The result? 


A big leap towards productivity

Remarkably, our AI-driven solution cut product waste by 25% in just the first week and reduced labor costs by 35% within four months. This project underscored the incredible efficiency and precision computer vision technology brings to operations, transforming manual processes into automated, error-minimized tasks with unprecedented accuracy.


Natural Language Processing: Enhancing Customer Engagement and Experience


If you are dealing with customer engagement and experience, NLP is the best way to deal with it. NLP allows computers to understand our human language and patterns and deliver personalized experiences. 

We’ve all seen those chatbots on websites and banking apps, right? The ones that answer basic questions by following a script. They’re great for simple stuff, but cannot adapt to new or unexpected scenarios and often fail to detect malicious patterns and infringement questions. 

The times have changed, and customers are more likely to collaborate with companies offering personalized communication. Therefore, securing your organization’s critical data is imperative when delivering personalized conversations. 

Here’s the good news: NLP is getting way more sophisticated. It’s like giving computers a whole new level of language skills. They can analyze all sorts of data, figure out what we’re trying to say, and even adapt to new situations. 

I’d like to share a brief overview of a recent project highlighting the impact of leveraging machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to tackle the challenge of content moderation for an e-commerce client. Faced with an overwhelming volume of toxic content and the risk of personal information leakage, our client’s moderation team was under significant strain.

Our intervention involved developing a machine-learning model, enriched with the client’s data and external toxic content datasets, alongside rule-based algorithms for detecting Personal Identifiable Information (PII). The outcome was impressive: a prediction precision of 94% and a true positive rate of 80%, significantly easing the moderators’ workload and enhancing the site’s data security.

This project underscores the potential of NLP and machine learning to create safer, more secure online environments, demonstrating our commitment to driving technological innovation that addresses critical business challenges.


Data processing and consolidation are made easy with Multimodal AI:


Staying ahead of the competitive curve – a constant battle for all CIOs and tech leaders. One key challenge we’ve been grappling with is the sheer volume and variety of data our businesses generate. Text, images, audio, video—the list goes on. Data is definitely a treasure trove, but managing and analyzing it all can be a real productivity killer. 

This is where Multimodal AI comes in to process multiple data types – think text, images, audio, video, and even code – all at once. This versatility is a game-changer for tackling the multifaceted challenges we face in the enterprise realm. The potential is truly enormous. We can unlock efficiencies, strengthen security postures, and gain a significant competitive edge. 

Imagine leveraging Multimodal generative AI in your supply chain. It sifts through text for demand signals and scans images to check inventory levels or identify quality issues.


The result? 

You get a crystal-clear, real-time view of your inventory management, demand forecasting, and quality control processes. 

So, if you’re feeling bogged down by the diversity of data and the complexity it brings, embrace Multimodal AI and redefine decision-making and operational efficiency. 


Ethical AI: Being responsible is the need of the hour


Here is what has been making waves in our circles – the case of Apple pausing the internal use of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, backed by Microsoft.

If you’ve missed the buzz, the crux is: Apple reportedly restricted internal use of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft-backed GitHub Copilot, citing concerns over confidential corporate data leakage in May 2023. [1]


Why is this scenario worth our attention?  


It’s not just about Apple’s stance. But it underscores a critical aspect related to privacy and ensuring the ethical use of AI to safeguard our organization’s digital assets and data against leaks & breaches. 

This is where ethical AI becomes our new mantra. We need powerful AI tools built on a foundation of rock-solid data security. We need transparency— how are they learning? What information are they exposed to? 

As we navigate turbulent times of data security, the focus must be on deploying AI solutions that are not just powerful but also designed with stringent data protection measures at their core.

Let’s embrace the power of AI responsibly, ethically, and with a laser focus on data security. It’s the only way to ensure these incredible tools become assets, not liabilities.


What’s Next?


As an early technology adopter, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest tech trends and buzzwords. However, it’s critical to choose the right technology that aligns with your business operations and has the potential to scale as your business grows. With the AI revolution currently underway, it’s important to consider the ways that this technology can benefit your business. Let AI work for you while you’re focusing on strategic development and revenue generation.

So, what are your thoughts on the AI evolution, and in which areas you’re considering its adoption? Let’s discuss it!

Author: Ganna V

President & CEO – Growth Markets

Driving strategic growth initiatives, fostering innovation, and leading high-performing teams for impactful business expansion.

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